Studies reveal that 50 to 70% of M&A transactions ultimately fail to realize expected synergies and, in fact, many actually dilute shareholder value. One of the causes of M&A failures is that companies often neglect to adequately consider the psychological
November 2015
Performance incentives for portfolio companies

Private equity investors (PEIs) when investing in new portfolio companies, seek to align management’s interests with that of the PEI to grow the value of the portfolio company and achieve a profitable return in the investment upon exit.…
Cyber security: what the hack?

In a previous blog post, we discussed how to manage cyber security risks during the negotiation and due diligence stages of an M&A transaction. In this post we discuss cyber security insurance as a tool for managing this unwelcome…
The role of the strategic board in value creation

It is not in dispute that the role of the board of directors is to provide oversight of management and advise on the strategic direction of the corporation. However, the delineation of roles and responsibilities between management and directors in…
2015: the year of the mega-deal

Last week’s announcement of a proposed transaction in the food and beverage industry for a staggering US $107 billion does not stand alone as a mega-deal in 2015, according to a recent Mergermarket report. The deal is part of…
OECD report proposes new treaty shopping rules

In February we wrote about a discussion draft of Action 6 of the Action Plan on Base Erosion (BEPS Action Plan) developed by the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) at the request of the…
Management diversity: do women in management lower a firm’s risk profile?
This blog post originally appeared in Norton Rose Fulbright’s Special Situations blog.
In an earlier post, we commented on the formal amendments to National Instrument 58-101 – Disclosure of Corporate Governance Practices and Form 58-101F1 – Corporate Governance…