Bitcoin remains a fringe currency in the context of M&A transactions. Despite some notable advantages over fiat currency, the risks associated with funding a large transaction using the cryptocurrency have limited its use to deals between players in the Bitcoin
September 2016
M&A prospects in the healthcare industry
RR Donnelley’s August 2016 VENUE Market Spotlight focused on the healthcare industry and the prospects for M&A activity in that space over the next 12 months. The report notes that there were 678 healthcare transactions in the first half of…
Deal protection measures: force-the-vote provisions
Negotiating an acquisition can be an intensive process for both buyers and sellers. For both parties, deal certainty is important when the right transaction is on the table. However for the target, the key is striking the appropriate balance between…
Tax considerations for earn-outs and reverse earn-outs

As we have previously noted, earn-outs are becoming an increasingly common part of M&A deals, and there are a number of key commercial questions to consider when negotiating them. But there are also tax consequences that must be considered when…
A rundown of “run-off insurance”

Run-off insurance is a particular aspect of director and officer liability (D&O) insurance that can protect directors and officers of a target company following an M&A transaction. In many cases, a target company’s directors and officers will resign…
Taking stock of SPACs

While the CPC program has existed for a number of years under the TSXV and Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) have long been a feature of American capital markets, as we alerted in October of last year, SPACs…
M&A activity predicted in the marijuana industry
The marijuana industry has been high on analysts’ lists ever since Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party were elected in late 2015. Some analysts predict the legalized pot industry to be a $5 billion market in Canada alone. Thus, it…