Digital taxes have become a subject of significant debate in recent years. Following allegations that tech giants have paid very little tax anywhere in the world, some countries have moved to impose new taxes on profits derived from digital services
November 2020
Proposed Amendments to Ontario’s Business Corporations Act: Relaxed Corporate Governance Requirements May Make Ontario an Attractive Jurisdiction

On October 6, 2020, the Government of Ontario introduced Bill 213, Better for People, Smarter for Business Act, 2020 (“Bill 213”) to support the province’s economic recovery and reduce barriers to doing business in Ontario. If it…
Post-Closing Adjustments

Previously, we wrote about the use of earn-outs as a means by which buyers mitigate the risk of a target’s post-closing under-performance by holding back part of the purchase price and paying it out as the target meets certain financial…
The Dynamic Duo: Cyber-security and Due Diligence during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (“pandemic”) continues to highlight the several ways in which M&A transactions have had to adapt to changing times, particularly by ramping up cyber-security measures in a digital world. Prior to the…
Shareholder Loans: The Interplay of 80.4, 15(2) and 20(1)(j) of the Income Tax Act

Subject to certain exceptions, where a shareholder (other than a corporation resident in Canada) of a corporation is indebted to the corporation (a “Shareholder Loan”), the shareholder is deemed by subsection 80.4(2) to receive an interest benefit to…