In recent years, we have seen more acquisitions of start-ups by big corporations in the tech industry, healthcare, retail, fashion, beauty, food, and transportation. The benefits of M&A transactions in these sectors has been more widely recognized. For instance, for
post-merger integration
The perfect union: maximizing post-integration value

By Troy Ungerman (Toronto) on
As we have discussed in previous posts, the post-closing phase of an M&A deal can be a difficult one, with 30% of integration deals not achieving their revenue goals. Competing organizational structures, technology, and cultures between the integrating…
Integration planning leads to integration success

By Troy Ungerman (Toronto) on
After conducting interviews with M&A practitioners in North America in mid-market companies, in its report titled “Harnessing Potential: mid-market integration and managing change”, Mergermarket found that operational integration early in the process and focusing on the culture of…