Investor advice platforms, at both the retail and institutional level, have evolved in recent years – from the use of classic literature to expanded services offered by brick-and-mortar firms. However, with the growth of app-induced innovation, various robo-advising platforms have
Technology and innovation
Funding M&A Deals with Bitcoin
As Bitcoin gains increasing traction since its inception 11 years ago, we begin to question whether it will slowly replace traditional dollar funding in M&A deals. Whether Bitcoin will be used to fund large M&A deals will likely depend on…
Transforming Adversity into Opportunity: The Need for New Technologies Fuels Insurance M&A
The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way in which we interact with the world. From working, to shopping, to socializing, most aspects of our daily lives have moved to the online world. Consumers now expect effective online platforms for all…
Visiting the Doctor in a Virtual World Provides Business Opportunities in Telehealth
It is no secret that during 2020 and into 2021 the COVID-19 pandemic has created massive disruptions for a variety of industries. One such example is the movement of health care services online in order to adhere to social distancing…
Goodwill Hunting: The Value, Protections and Role of Intangible Assets in M&A Transactions
We have previously discussed goodwill as a distinct asset in purchase agreements. In this post, we explore the growing value of goodwill and other intangible assets in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and the legal issues parties should consider…
The Dynamic Duo: Cyber-security and Due Diligence during the COVID-19 Pandemic
The widespread impact of the COVID-19 pandemic (“pandemic”) continues to highlight the several ways in which M&A transactions have had to adapt to changing times, particularly by ramping up cyber-security measures in a digital world. Prior to the…
The Smart Choice: A Predictive View in Revamping M&A Contracts
The current pandemic presents a unique opportunity to revitalize traditional M&A process and provisions. While we have previously addressed how traditional M&A provisions are impacted by the pandemic, this blog post will explore the key opportunity industries and corporations alike…
M&A Opportunities in the COVID-19 Digital Transformation
While the COVID-19 pandemic initially had a general chilling effect on merger and acquisition (“M&A”) activity, we have seen an increase in M&A activity recently, particularly as industries rapidly adapt to the new environment and consider opportunities. Both…
Fintech M&A Activity in 2020: The Digital Economy is Here
Paying for Payments
While uncertainty arising from the COVID-19 pandemic has slowed down most deal activity, Fintech, in particular the payments space, is a big exception. Recent analysis from KPMG revealed that UK payment deals in the first quarter of…
Providing or Procuring Ed-Tech Products? Educate Yourself about Privacy Matters
A new wave of advancement in the education industry has emerged. Schools, universities and colleges are relying more on technology now than they ever have before – and this reliance on technology will only increase in the coming years. Educational…